The flowers and ornamentals sector is made up of countless companies worldwide. It all starts with a seed or a shoot of a flower or plant, which then passes through a number of links of the chain until it has become a fully fledged flower, plant, bulb or tree. It is then sold to customers by florists, supermarkets or garden centres. On these photographs you can see what flowers, plants, bulbs and trees look like during the various phases of the supply chain.

Xclusive Uganda
Proud of what we do
MPS is literally "our license to operate".

Hoogeveen plant
Hello Hellebore
Quality, integrity and innovation are core values of Hoogeveen Plants.

Van der Salm
Create transparency in the floriculture industry
MPS-ProductProof simplifies the cultivation process.

Good for mankind and environment
By using rainwater from our greenhouses, we conserve water for 5095 (3) households every year.

Synonymous with our green character
In 2014 we marketed the first completely organic Phalaenopsis orchids.

V.D.E. plant
Sustainability is in our DNA
Our philosophy is: organic when possible, chemical when necessary.

Tesselaar Alstroemeria
Targeted environmental choices
Cogeneration, solar panels and electric cars.

Fa. Freek van der Velden
No bee-unfriendly agents used on our plants

Tuinbranche Nederland
As a consumer, you can be certain that the flower or plant you bought at your local garden centre was cultivated with care and passion by growers who are committed to sustainability, which the entire sector, including Tuinbranche Nederland, is collectively committed to. Certifying flowers and plants is a way to guarantee that we stick to our ambition for sustainability.
Flowers and plants make homes a happier place while they provide oxygen and energy and bring colour into your life. A green garden makes it enjoyable to be outside, buffers water, reduces the heat produced by cities and is good for butterflies, birds, bees and other useful insects.
"Frank van der Heide, director of Tuinbranche Nederland"

Waterdrinker, Aalsmeer
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Waterdrinker is MPS-Florimark_Trade and ISO 9001-certified and tries to encourage its customers, growers working with their products, to turn to more sustainable methods. Waterdrinker offers complete transparency on the issue of sustainability by means of the SO26000 self-declaration. As a professional player in the field of sustainability certification, MPS is involved in innovation, facilitating and motivation in an attempt to make sustainable development more transparent.Read more about Waterdrinker’s mission, vision and strategy, as well as the self-declaration at www.waterdrinker.nl."Koen Druijf, CSR Specialist"
Certificates for sustainable flowers and plants
MPS-ABC is more than a certificate. It is a monitoring tool that allows companies to push the right buttons to reduce their impact on the environment. By recording usage, it is measured how sustainably a company produces. This leads to a more conscious use of resources and growers can use the data to make their business more sustainable.
MPS-GAP is an entry certificate that allows deliveries to be made to international retailers. With this certificate, you comply with requirements in areas such as traceability, environment, crop protection agents and recall procedures. MPS-GAP is benchmarked against GLOBALG.A.P. and meets the FSI requirements. To obtain the MPS-GAP certificate you must be an MPS-ABC participant and you need a valid MPS-ABC qualification.
Sound working conditions play an important role for many traders and consumers. With the MPS-Socially Qualified (SQ) certificate, you demonstrate that your company meets the national and international requirements in the field of health and safety. Especially now that international supermarket chains are increasingly focusing on both the social aspects and the environmental requirements of your business, MPS-SQ is a useful addition to MPS-ABC.